French Sailing School

As a French Sailing School, CHALLENGE OCEAN offers start, coastal and offshore sailing courses. Whether you are alone or in a small group, embark as a team member aboard remarkable crewed sailboats.
For those who dream of crossing the Atlantic, our boats transat every winter.
And for sailors who want to join as a racing crew member, our yachts are present on French and foreign races. Welcome aboard the offshore sailing school.

Sailing, training, travelling…

Two crewed 21m monohull sailboats built for the BT Global Challenge – around the world against the prevailing winds – and one crewed Volvo 60 – Volvo Ocean Race 2002.
Based in their home port of Lorient in Brittany, they are also available in the main ports on the French and foreign coasts.
To sail, train, race or travel, the playground is huge for your cruise! Head for the Iles du Ponant, Brittany, Scilly, Ireland, Scotland, the Canary Islands, the Azores, the West Indies…

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