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Sailing yacht in Les Sables d’Olonnes

Dates: 15 October 2016 - 5 November 2016

Sortie en mer lors du Vendée Globe

Sailing yacht in Les Sables d’Olonnes available for rent : crewed 21m sloop for day charter, from the 15th of October til the 5th of November 2016 in the marina of Port Olona.

One of our Challenge 67 with professional crew, will be berthed for 3 weeks before the start of the Vendée Globe, the non-stop solo round the world race, without assistance.

Anchored in the heart of the marina of Port olona, this ship is available for day charter as well as PR at the dock. It can welcome up to 15 guests at sailing, 12 guests in the galley and has 10 berths for night resting.

The boat can only be chartered for groups or corporate use.

Avaibilities and costs at +33 (0)2 97 35 00 30 or via  contact form.


15 October 2016 à 8 h 00 min
5 November 2016 à 17 h 00 min
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